Fallbrook Avocado Festival

Fallbrook Avocado Festival
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 from 9:00am to 5:00pm
East Alvarado Street and South Main Avenue

Join us for the Fallbrook Avocado Festival!!

Main Stage

The Main Stage area is located at Main and College (Scrappy's Tire) South end of Festival area

10:00 am: 5:00 pm: Festival Beer and Wine Garden
12:00 pm: 2:30 pm: Avocado Holding Competition

Government Issued ID Required for entry into Beer Garden


Wristbands are required for entry
Adults 21 and Over Only

Beer and Wine Sales
Live Music

Community Stage

Located at Main and Alvarado, in the Village Square

The Community Stage is our family-friendly venue - home to the Guacamole Contest and several children's activities, with some performance highlights. Featured performers typically include local youth group and family-friendly performances - musicians, dancers, singers, etc.

9:30 am: 10:00 am: Fallbrook Rec Center Ballet Folklorico
1:45 pm: 02:45 pm: Ballet Folkloricode Fallbrook
3:00 pm: 03:40 pm: The Oriental Gems

Artisan Walk on Alvarado

An exciting artist venue within the Avocado Festival itself, located on Alvarado Street, between Main and Vine Street. Stop in and see the handmade items from local artisans. It's a great facet of the Avocado Festival just waiting for discovery!